Oriental Rug Cleaning Near Me
If you are in search of a oriental rug cleaning company in the Tampa area, then all you need to do is search the term oriental rug cleaning near me The information in this post will contain information on different styles used to craft the types of rugs that you may have come across searching for a rug to purchase or you may currently own and have cleaned one day. If you are looking for professional rug cleaning Tampa then this information will be perfect for you if you. We enjoy the opportunity to share our knowledge and know how with anyone, anytime. Each rug technician in our company is trained on a variety of area rug cleaning techniques. Whether the employee works in the office, or washes rugs in our facility, they are all knowledgeable when referencing rugs. Not to much surprise, there are many types, origins and ways rugs can be crafted. This is something our staff takes pride in, the knowledge on all different assortments of oriental rugs.
The most sought after type of rug is hand woven. This popular way to craft a rug is to weave the materials to be used into a rug. These types of rugs would be called woven rugs. Woven rugs are very easily the most common type of rug that we clean. A woven rug is made by passing one strand of loose material horizontally through a tightened configuration of vertical strands of another material. The loose material is woven over and under each strand of the tightly strung material. The foundation of the rug has two main names, warps and wefts. This loose material is known as the Wefts. The tighter strands of material that are held in place are known as the Warps. Woven rugs can be handmade or machine made. Handmade, woven rugs are typically much most costly, but tend to be lighter, thinner and more of the high end look and feel. These rugs can date back generations. We have cleaned many rugs over 100 years old.
There are other forms of rug creation. What we sill talk about now is called Prodding. This method typically uses a tough, durable material as the “pile” of the rug. The pile material is prodded into a tough backing. Burlap is most commonly used as the backing, although there are variety of materials that can be used to form the pile. These rugs are usually used near an entry or exit way as the long, prodded fibers can conceal dirt well. This is great for wiping of shoes before you come into the home. There is another method used to craft a rug which is somewhat similar to the prodding technique, we call this rug hooking. It is similar to prodding in the sense that these rugs will typically also use burlap or linen as the backing and the pile material is poked or prodded through using a crochet type hook with a handle. A big difference between these two methods of rug production is that “rug hooking” is often used to make decorative rugs. If you have ever seen a detailed, intricate rug mounted on a wall, you may well be looking at a rug that was created by rug hooking. Another type of rug that will not often be found at your rug cleaning facility. There are, of course, other methods used for crafting all sorts of rugs. Hand made, machine woven, tufted, shag, short pile, no matter the type of rug, there is an interesting story behind the manner in which it was fashioned!
If you have a question of the origin or the way your rug was crafted don’t hesitate to give our rug cleaning company a call and we will do the best we can to education you on your fine textile. We enjoy being able to not only clean your high end oriental rugs, but understand where and how they were made. Give us a call today 813-344-5112
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