Urine Odor in Area Rugs
When we begin our Oriental Rug cleaning process, we complete a couple of different inspections to check for a variety of things. We check to verify the actual fiber type of the rug. We complete a dye migration test to determine if the rug is at risk of bleeding. We inspect the rug for any abnormalities. But the main problem we come across during our inspection is urine. Dog, cat as well as other urine accidents that may be present in your rug. That last inspection may sound like the least important test we run, but it is not as simple as it may sound. Our rug cleaning experts are well versed in how to complete all of the tests, so the pet urine odor in rug testing procedure is a bit more detailed than you would think. The actual cleaning process can take days, depending on the severity of the contamination. Heavily soiled rugs will need to soak in a cleaning solution from as little as 2 hours up to 24+ hours depending on the severity of the contamination. We have the equipment to allow constant flushing of the rug, as it needs to be flushed completely not just surfaced cleaned. Without the complete submersion cleaning process that we provide , there is no way to completely rectify this odor causing contaminants. This is why we can offer 100% guaranteed odor removal for you oriental rugs.
When we do identify pet odors or urine in your fine textiles, there are a couple different routes we can take, these steps are determined by the level of urine contamination. If the urine content is light or concentrated into one spot, we typically can proceed with our typical cleaning process after a couple hours of cleaning solution saturation in that area. The delicate cleaning and flushing process will usually take care of any light urine natural fiber rug. But, if the rug is heavily saturated with urine, it will need to go through a different process to remove the urine salts from the rug before we can even begin the regular cleaning process. The pre cleaning rug inspection that we complete will determine the level of saturation. Sometimes the naked eye or nose can be deceiving. The pre cleaning urine soak process is very similar to how it sounds. We soak the rug in a specialized solution that is diluted with water, we then put the rug in our rug marinator, this keeps the water constantly moving over, under and through the rug to help flush the urine out prior to beginning the actual rug cleaning process. The main objective is to attack the urine salts, these are the source of the odor. Just surface cleaning will do nothing for the urine salts that subside in the middle and lower areas of the rug fibers. Special cleaning solutions are required to attack the urine salts and destroy them, without the proper cleaning process and cleaning solutions there is no way to get complete odor out of natural fibers especially wool. After the urine decontamination cleaning solutions have been rinsed away, we then inspect the rug one final time before the actual Tampa rug cleaning process starts. We use another specific cleaning solution meant to help rugs that where contaminated with urine. This not only helps with the cleaning of the rug but also with any other unwanted odors from animals. We take great pride in being able to offer 100% pet urine odor removal for oriental rugs.
If you have any questions about your oriental rug, or are concerned about the amount of urine that is in your area rug, don’t hesitate to give us a call and we can let you know exactly what to expect from our cleaning process and your specific rugs circumstance.
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